Solar Rebates in 2025
The Ultimate Guide

Generous solar rebates available today! Get 3 no-obligation quotes & find out how much the Government solar incentives will save you!
Savings from solar rebates

Understanding solar rebates

This is the ultimate guide to understanding solar rebates AKA the solar incentives in Australia.

Here we are answering the most popular questions our customers ask us about the rebates.

So if you want to:

  • Learn about the 2025 Federal Government Solar Rebate
  • Check if your State Government has current subsidies
  • Determine how much money you can save in 2025
  • Confirm your eligibility

Then you'll find this page very helpful!

Let's dive into it!

What is the federal solar rebate?

If you're looking to invest in solar for your home, you are probably interested to learn about the solar rebates. You'll be pleased to know that there are potentially two types of rebates you are eligible for (depending on where you live), Federal and State Government incentives.

Despite everyone calling them 'rebates', they're not technically rebates, as you, the solar panel purchaser, are not directly receiving money direct from the Government.

Instead, the 'rebate' is assigned to your chosen solar panel installer at the point of sale, and deducted from your solar system's overall cost.

How much is the federal rebate worth?

In 2025, there are still thousands of dollars of deductions offered by the Australian Government for homeowners looking to purchase a solar system.

So how much exactly is the current solar rebate?

The exact figure depends on several factors, including your location, and most importantly, your system size.

This means that meaning that the bigger the size of the system that you install, the larger the rebate you are entitled to from the Federal Government!

The 2025 Federal Government Solar Rebate, 6.6kW system (big enough for the average family home) installed in Brisbane, QLD (Zone 3) is $2,160.

State-level solar rebates & grants

You might even be lucky enough to live in a state that is currently offering solar subsidies on top of the Federal Government's already generous incentive to install solar! We've broken down the 2025 state-level solar subsidies for you below:

State level rebates

Australian Capital Territory (ACT)

Solar for Low Income Program - eligible participants can access a subsidy of up to 50% of the total cost of a solar system (capped at $2500) along with a three-year interest-free loan to pay off the difference.

New South Wales (NSW)

Solar for Low-Income Households - this program offers a free 3kW solar system to 3,000 NSW households that opt for a free solar system instead of the low-income household rebate. This scheme is currently in a trial phase and will only be available for people that live in the Central Coast, North Coast, Sydney-South, Illawarra-Shoalhaven and in the South Coast of NSW.

Queensland (QLD)

Battery Booster Program - details of the Queensland Government's solar battery incentive are still being finalised. You can rest assured they will be published here as soon as they are available. Homeowners with a combined household income of under $180,000 will be eligible for this rebate.

Victoria (VIC)

Solar Panel Rebate - households that have not had solar power installed previously will have access to a 50 per cent rebate for a home solar power system up to a maximum rebate value of $1,400. This rebate has been hugely popular to date.

Solar Battery Loans - households will have access to 4500 interest-free loans of up to $8800 to install a solar battery during 2023-2024. Combined household income needs to be less than $210,000 to qualify for the loan.

Solar Hot Water Rebate - rebates of $1,000 are available for homeowners to replace an existing hot water system that is at least 3 years old with a solar hot water system. Homeowners can only access one rebate under the solar homes package so the solar hot water rebate is a great option where solar panels might not be suitable or for households that already have solar panels installed.

Other states and territories

South Australia (SA), Tasmania (TAS), the Northern Territory (NT) and Western Australia (WA) have no current additional state-level rebates or grants for solar power. Homeowners in these states do still qualify for the Federal Government incentive!

Do you qualify for the solar rebate?

The likely answer is yes

There are several criteria that your installation has to meet for you to be eligible:

  1. The solar panels and inverter must be Clean Energy Council (CEC) approved
  2. The components must meet the Australian standards.
  3. You must use a CEC Accredited Installer meeting the CEC's rigorous design and installation guidelines.

Fortunately, Your Solar Quotes have made the process of comparing quotes from CEC Accredited Solar Installers as smooth as silk! If you'd like to compare quotes, and find out how much your rebate will be, click get quotes now!

Get your ducks in a row by asking the supplier what documentation you need ready, and in a few short weeks, you'll get the big tick of approval.

When does the solar rebate end?

The solar rebate ends in 2030 🥲

You might have noticed from this graph below that the rebate is rapidly reducing to $0.

rebate graph

While it is never a good idea to rush into an investment without first doing your due diligence, solar is a true no-brainer.

A residential solar power system will pay itself off within 3 to 5-year's of energy savings and will save you thousands and thousands of dollars over the system's warrantied life.

Every year you put off getting solar, you are missing out on juicy rebates from the Government.

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Ready to start your solar journey?

Read our free Definitive Solar Tips for 2025! Learn everything you need to know about solar power, the best panels, energy, rebates & pricing for solar in 2025!

Read The Guide
Solar Tips in 2025 The Definitive Guide