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Tony Abbott to receive solar panels for Christmas

An Australian Christian group has launched a campaign in order to raise money to purchase solar panels for Kirribilli House.

christians holding solar panel and positive solar signs in front of tony abbott's office

An Australian Christian group has launched a campaign in order to raise money to purchase solar panels for Kirribilli House. Australian Christian group Common Grace has recently launched a crowdfunding campaign in order to raise money to purchase solar panels for Kirribilli House, which is the current residence of Prime Minister Tony Abbott. According to the group, “The panels will be delivered to the current occupant on behalf of the nation by a bunch of diverse local church leaders as a gift to symbolise public support for a clean energy future”.

Within just 4 days of launching the campaign, the group managed to raise enough funds to purchase a 12-panel system. Adding to the gift, the Australian Solar Council has also volunteered to install the panels free of charge.

The campaign was initiated in response to the Australian Government's intention to reduce the nation's Renewable Energy Target. The uncertainty surrounding the RET has led to a 70% drop in investment in large-scale renewables this year, despite the fact that 89% of Australians surveyed are in support of the RET remaining unchanged or being increased.

In the event that Abbott does not accept the gift, Common Grace says the panels will instead be installed at the Davidson Brigade of the Rural Fire Service, where Abbott has served as a volunteer for many years. “Firefighters are on the front line of climate change, fighting increasingly frequent and intense bushfires. It'd be a small way we can say thank you for what they do,” says the group.


2014, 'Australian Prime Minister Getting Solar For Christmas', Energy Matters, 17 December, viewed 22 December 2014.

Smith, B 2014, 'God is Good to All', Common Grace, 12 December, viewed 22 December 2014.

Vorrath, S 2014, 'Tony Abbott's Christmas Surprise – Solar Panels From Priests', RenewEconomy, 17 December, viewed 22 December 2014.

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