Global Renewables

Queensland has more solar PV installed then 22 countries

Energex's monthly solar PV connection figures report reveals that Queensland has more Solar PV installed then 22 countries worldwide.

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Dennis Dimovski

Nov 13, 2013 • 1 min read

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Energex's monthly solar PV connection figures report reveals that Queensland has more Solar PV installed then 22 countries worldwide. Of the countries listed by the International Energy Agency, Energex's figures give Queensland more installed PV generation capacity than 22 other nations worldwide including South Africa, Mexico, Malaysia the Netherlands, Israel, Taiwan and more than the entire rest of the Asia Pacific region.

These figures are helped by the massive increase of installs this year under the state's 8c feed in tariff, rising from 3215 in 2012 to 32,202 so far this year.

In terms of the State’s energy mix, according to AEMO data, tomorrow (14th November 2013) there is 6,867MW of scheduled demand in Queensland, with installed Solar PV in Queensland now accounting for just under 11% of the entire state’s energy demand.

By the end of the year the sunshine State is set to have around 770MW of PV systems installed, the vast majority on residential rooftops, which would makes it equal to the country which sits on number 21 of the list of countries with the most PV installed.

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